650,000 U.S. companies use Microsoft 365 for their business productivity and collaboration. But many only stick to the apps they know, like Word, Outlook, and OneDrive.
While some companies may even venture out into using Teams and SharePoint, there are many other applications in the Microsoft world one only needs a Microsoft account to access that are completely missed. Businesses only find them if they have a great IT consultant or hear about them through word of mouth.
One of these best kept secrets in the MS world is Microsoft Forms.
If you ever send out any surveys, sign-up forms, or quizzes, Microsoft Forms can completely streamline how you do it and save you a lot of time. Additionally, the app is free to use with a Microsoft account.
Typical Survey Workflow Say you’re sending out a year-end customer satisfaction survey. A typical workflow might look like this:
Create the survey in MS Word.
Email the survey, one by one to each customer
Wait to get the completed Word surveys back via email
Go through each document and compile the results in Excel or another program This is a time-consuming process and can invite data errors if information isn’t transferred accurately from a survey to a spreadsheet.
Microsoft Forms Survey Workflow
When you use Microsoft Forms, the entire process is automated. Additionally, forms take a lot less time to complete because of the templates and easy-to-use interface.
Create survey in the Microsoft Forms online interface
Share a link to the form via text, email, on social media, etc. with all customers at once
Read responses as they come into the interface automatically
Export your already collated results to Excel Using Forms, you no longer need to go through the arduous process of collating multiple surveys, results are ready to export to Excel at the click of a button.